Friday, February 19, 2010

What's in a Name?

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet." Juliet

First- I would like to go on record as saying, I'm NOT a fan of roses. I LOVE tulips. I would much rather be able to say the quote with Tulips place. However, I can't really go back and edit what Shakespeare wrote.

Now for my actual thoughts: what's in a name? Lately, it seems that whatever your "name" is... defines who you are. While the quote above in context is beautiful and part of a great love story.... all I hear about is "name" this and "name" that. I had a interesting conversation with someone (who happens to have a doctorate ... if we're throwing out names) earlier this week about how ridiculous I think this is.

So I am going on record right now with my thoughts on this: (and as a lawyer, we were advised to never make absolute statements.... I probably got a C in that class ) Why should a job title, a degree, a family name, etc. define who you are? What matters the most about a person is in the core of who they are. Their heart and soul. At the end of the night, before you go to sleep- what do you think of? Are you proud of your accomplishments? Who do you think of? Is there something you wish you had told someone, but didn't?

These are the things that make a person who they are. It doesn't matter if you haven't earned a degree, or have four doctorates. There are some people who have numerous degrees, etc. that I would love to remind them of this phrase, "It is better to be thought a fool and silent, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." Abraham Lincoln. I have recently learned some very valuable lessons from students. These are the students who I am charged with keeping them in line and safe, but here they are teaching me the lessons.

Anyway, there isn't really a point to this particular blog, except that I wish people would stop seeing everyone for the position they hold, or don't..... where they work, or don't...... and just look at the person's heart. When it really does matter - in Heaven.... people aren't going to have jobs, degrees, excesses baggage, etc. It will the purest version of ourself. Why shouldn't be try and share that part of ourselves with someone worthy?

That's my rant.

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