Thursday, February 4, 2010

Stitch Lost

Before I begin the blog for the night .... have to list the top 3 questions I think my dog would say, could she speak English:

1. Why Mort? I understand it's short for Morticia.... but I am an only dog & am gender confused ... as I am constantly referred to as "him."

2. We both have great taste in shoes .... WHY ARE THEY OUT OF REACH!?

3. Listen.... don't be so grouchy in the morning... I don't like being woken up before 8 am either, and I have no choice!

Now for the blog.... if you have never seen the movie Lilo & Stitch the title of this blog will have little to no meaning. So for those folks in addition to recommending you watch it, I'll give you the 20 second recap. Stitch is a little alien who has been created by a mad scientist.He is actually considered to be a failure. He is the only one of his kind, and is "supposedly" meant only for destruction, has no family, and is basically nothing positive. He escapes to Earth, and lands in Hawaii. He meets Lilo whom he gets to adopt him as a dog to avoid being captured. Lilo has an older sister and her parents have tragically died. Things are not going so well in the home, and child services is in the process of determining whether or not to put Lilo in a foster care situation. Throughout the movie Stitch learns the meaning of "family" and the he is "lost" because he has no family to identify with. Add hula skirts, aliens, surfing, etc. and you've got the movie. :0

So I have met someone. It's taking a little time to get to know the person,and at times the language barriers and frustrations leave me identifying with Stitch in feeling lost. Now, I know everyone is dying to knowing who this person is- it's me! Having a month without the students on campus, I had a lot of free time on my hands. Considering I went straight through undergraduate, to law school, and the work- free time is not something I am accustomed to. Being the holidays, it seems natural that family would come to mind. A lot.

Family- Stitch found family in a "broken home" with a little girl and her big sister. Through that small glance of their world, he was able to comprehend the meaning of family. Well, if a fictional alien in a children's movie can figure it out, so can I, right? Well, take away 1500 of my closest companions for a month, and I'll tell you that the student body of my precious University is part of my family. I love that the students have the opportunity to visit their family, some even traveling thousands of miles. I remember driving home with excitement for the holiday break. It never occurred to me that someone at the University would actually miss me!

I am fortunate that my immediate family lives within 6 miles of me. Not very many people have this blessing. The perks: getting to see my nephews 1st steps, free meals, and someone with 4-wheel drive to drag your car up the hill through the snow. Downside: I can't use the excuse "absence makes the heart grow fonder". No, really, there aren't any downsides.

Now- as I am slowly unpacking from moving..,. yes I moved in about 18 months ago, I came across some pictures from the times I spent in Nicaragua. Wow. I cried tears of sorrow and was heartbroken when I realized how long it had been since I was able to hold them in my arms and tell them I love them. While I am not known for loving children, one of the phrases I miss most is hearing "Tia" - any time of day. Now- I am sure that I will return to that part of my family one day, when the timing is right. I know that I am to do long term mission work somewhere, and if it is not to be in that particular area of the world I am okay with that. I will always be able to visit them.

My Oklahoma family- wow. Absence does make the heart grow fonder. I cannot fathom how some of the students travel across seas and thousands of miles to spend months away from their family. I can hardly go a month without making a trip back to see Dani Rose and her family. I am truly blessed that I live close enough to be able to travel.

Recently, thanks to a very close & wise Christian friend of mine, the thought of my biological family has been brought to my attention. I was adopted at 2 weeks old, and never have given it much thought. I have always thought it a blessing, and I continue to think that way. I've always been asked...would you look for them, etc. The usual questions. This amazing person asked me a question that in the moment he said it, I knew his was pure and sincere love for God 1st. He asked me if I had ever thought about my biological parents' salvation? I was adopted through a Christian Service agency, so I guess is never really came to thought. This has become a large part of my prayer life.

Stitch lost. I love this statement because the moment Stitch said he was lost, it immediately brings me to the knowledge of being found. Very much like being lost as sinners, and being found and saved through Christ. I can safely and proudly say that I am not lost. Unlike the title of this blog, I am surrounded by family. Some parts broken, yes, some parts long-term and familiar, and some family I'm just getting to know and learning the amazing love for them. But, yes, I have family. While I, like Stitch, am one of a kind (although not only programmed for destruction) - my uniqueness has allowed me to a blessed and ever growing family. :-)

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