Friday, February 26, 2010

The Guy that Drools Wins

Who wins? Really, who Wins?
After everything is said and done. Just a thoughtful reminder- once something is said, emailed, sent via text, etc. it cannot be taken back. At least not without a lot of awkward apologies, etc.

I remembered a lesson that Jesus taught to his disciples- how precious children are. I had the wonderful privilege of ending my week by rocking my sweet nephew to sleep. Yes.... it involved a lot of drool (he's teething) but there is something so wonderful and pure in the face of seeping baby that makes me want 4,5, or even 6.

So my heart has been reserved this week for a precious lil man named Gage Thomas. I cherish each moment I have with him, and I hope that he will be grow to live long, and be a wonderful Christian man. Who wins? The lil guy who drooled all over my clean silk shirt while I rocked him to sleep. :-)

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