Saturday, February 13, 2010


It's February, and although it's not a "Leap Year," I have been taking leaps. Randomly, during soccer practice one day we were playing leap frog and one of the girls landed on my hand and well... it was painful.

Anyway, I've been taking some pretty big leaps lately. So far, I have no regrets. The biggest leap I've been trying to make is the leap to having a closer and meaningful relationship with God. So let's all take a minute, close our eyes, and picture leaping from one skyscraper to another in New York City. That's the type of leaping I'm attempting. It's been amazing so far. Re-reading passages and having different perspectives to learn from. (Now, I should probably interject here that I have some crazy vivid dreams at night) Constantly taking leaps to grow closer is like when I have the same vivid dreams over and over again and each time a new detail appears in high definition.

Leaping when it comes to personal relationships... well, again no regrets- but wow it can leave you wondering. It is comforting to know that no matter how far you try to leap, or how painful it can be when someone lands on your hand while leaping, you are truly never alone. Reminder: having your hand landed on hurts!!! Anyway, the good news is that the pain isn't long-term.

It takes something courageous in a person to leap big without knowing the outcome. This is a lesson I'm quickly learning, and I will be the first one to admit that I am often lacking in the something courageous part. :) Lacking that something courageous often leads to great pain or great joy. So, after weighing the risks and benefits - I am choosing to continue to leap.

Example: I took a leap today, and well, crashed and burned. Without having taken the leap, I would be without the answer. So, as disappointing as it can be, I still think it was the right decision. Big Plus: according to the laws of probability my next leap should work out in my favor :)

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