Saturday, October 30, 2010


Unexpected loss. Since July, this has been a reoccurring theme in my world. In less than a minute I can think of 6 deaths and 2 near deaths that have happened. Add to this pain of losing a great friend, but knowing they're around the corner. This is a recipe for some pretty low times, and prayer. Lots of prayer.

I won't dwell much on the this blog, but here are some things I learned:

1. Lean on God.... when it feels like you can't breathe... lean on God

2. Seeing someone in pain from loss can open yours eyes to a love that you didn't know was there. This can leave you promising they will never have to go through that pain again alone.

3. Miles mean nothing when someone needs a friend

4. You can't always been in 2 places at once

5. Words will never comfort a loss appropriately

6. Life goes on... when you think you'll never smile again- the rain stops.

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