Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Relationships & Love

Only hearts devoted to God and truth can experience abundant life and responsible relationships.

This statement is in a book i'm reading entitled Love More Sin Less. I am only to chapter 2, but so far the book has been fascinating. Usually if a book is going to talk about relationships, I am a little leery to read it. I feel like it will all say the same thing... date Christian, set boundaries, pray, etc. While these are all great directives, where is the book that is "relationships for dummies" and what to do when you are shy or been burned and so you are nearly impossible to approach.

Anyway, I love the focus on the book is not around relationships with certain people in your life, but in general how to relate to people. I know some of you are thrilled to hear this, you might be thinking my randomness will go away. Sorry, that might be genetic. :)

There are a large number of people out there who are terrified of the opposite sex. It's not nearly as uncommon as people would like to think it is. This can be because you don't know someone as well as you'd like, or someone maybe has been hurt really bad. It takes a lot of faith after you've been hurt like that to go back out there.

Speaking from someone who is currently taken steps out there after having been in that's not THAT scary. (Okay, well if I could find a way around it I would....but let's be honest)

i'm hoping this book will have all kinds of great information that I can use in how I interact with all people on a daily basis.

Good news for everyone else: I should start becoming less awkward to be around. I hope. If not, bear with me... it's a subject I'm shy with and have been burned.

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