Wednesday, September 29, 2010

hatima, destiny, suerte, destino

Do you believe in destiny? I am referring to the type where in retrospect you look at the poem by Robert Frost and you say I took the well traveled path or the road less taken.

I am starting to decide that I believe in destiny to a certain degree, but I also know that we make our destiny up to a certain part. As for the second part of that statement...I choose the non-existent path. Sure we could take the path well traveled and lead successful lives; or we could even take the path less traveled and have a few adventures along the way. I vote for taking the path that's no mentioned. I think with God's guidance, wise decision making, and a touch of destiny, your life could be fulfilled to an unimaginable place.

The majority of our lives we are asked what we think, who we are, what we want to be, etc. The questions never seem to stop coming. Once you are educated or established in a job it turns into, when are you going to settle down. After that, what about kids. I don't need to go any further. Anyone reading this has been asked these questions, and knows the feeling of wanting to just say "I don't know"

This is what intrigues me about taking a path not even carved out. It allows for us to not only make our mark on the world, but this way while we are determining exactly who we are, and what we plan to do when we grow up- we can say with confidence these were choices I made on a path I chose. Yes, God has always had a hand in guiding me. and I won't stray from that. However, think how amazing it will be! Think about the stories you'll have to share with family and friends, wisdom that you learned along the way.

I don't think this is necessarily for the weak hearted or for everyone. Taking a path not even carved out will take some time. In a jungle, you have to cut through the underbrush in order to make your own trail. There's also the canopy top keeping you from seeing straight up; but everyday scientists, adventurers, etc. pave their own way and end up discovering a new species or cure for some ailment.

I am not at a place in my life right now where I can answer those questions of "who are you" "what are you doing here" "when are you going to settle down".... I can give an honest answer of this: I am trying to discover who I am. It's a marathon, not a sprint. When I finally am able to reflect on it, I would like to see wisdom, adventure, and God all along the path I have carved.... and maybe even somewhere along the way someone with who to help carve the path.

1 comment:

  1. That is one of my favorite poems! "I took the road less traveled and it has made all the difference in the world." I believe in destiny. Sometimes we just take a different route to get there but eventually we end up where we're supposed to be.
