Saturday, September 25, 2010

Melody or Harmony

Even in the silence, I hear the song that you've written on my heart. The melody plays over and over. Sometimes, when i can manage the courage- I will try to harmonize with what I hear. Other times, the music is so beautiful on it's own, I just sit and listen trying to remember every measure so that it will replay accurately in my head later.

Music can bear your soul and tell the world exactly what you are feeling. Like magic, music can also let you lose yourself in it, and listen to only the music itself. What you feel is the rhythm of the drums, strum of the guitar, even the clapping of hands.

The music I listen to on a daily basis usually changes depending on how I am feeling. It does usually stay within a few genres.

As I am growing up, well let's be real, maturing in my job, I am learning to not wear my emotions on my sleeve. Nope, I am still not very good at this. Music has helped though. If I can listen to that type of music, or if I can write about it.... then I am doing okay. I was asked to speak in chapel earlier this week. I have never spoken in front of a group that large. I have never had to give a reason that would be interesting to the entire audience for "why am I here." Let's just say I had a blank canvas. There was no song playing in head, or in my heart. I was finally able to answer the question, but it took a lot of time.

It's one thing for me to wear an emotion on my sleeve- anger. I almost never can hide anger. The truth is, while anger might be what is predominately showing.... chances are that I am incredibly hurt, and anger is my way of coping with the situation. As an attorney we are trained to continue on no matter what. Well, sometimes in life, we have a disease or a mental condition that can prevent this. One of the ways I have been able to cope with what I have been diagnosed with is that I rarely open to people. It never seems to work out well. So I write....or I listen to Music.

So when you and I are in the same room, or quite possibly singing the same song and you are singing melody and I am pitifully trying to sing harmony, remember this- I realize I can't carry a tune. That may just be one of the ways that I am able to reach out to people. It's indirect, and some may say cowardly, but if you only knew how anxious some people truly get around others would you understand.

Music is like a window to the soul for some people. It allows you to get to know them on a level you might never have been able to by a simple conversation. As I close out, the current song playing is : When You Wish Upon A Star.

It's been a good night :)

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