Wednesday, October 7, 2009

She threw down my dolly!

There's nothing as sweet as the smile of a small child when you are able to fix their problem. It may be something as small picking up the barrette that fell out of a little girl's hair and putting it back in. Somehow, it doesn't matter that the barrette is completely misplaced, and will fall out in a matter of moments. For that moment in time- the problem is solved.

Now, being a new auntie I am quickly learning the "throw it down, pick it up game." Actually, I should say re-learning it. Surprisingly enough, there was a time in my life when I was a nanny. Yes, I watched a beautiful little girl on a full time basis- and I loved it. :) There are a few lessons I have managed to forget that I learned during that time. This game being one of them. So I am learning patience as I re-learn to play this game with my nephew. Me being the small over-achiever I am, have been helping out with a children's class so that I can learn all of the songs to sing to him, etc. So I am learning to be really good at picking it up game, and acting surprised and proud each time they are so happy to get it back. I'll repeat for those with memory problems- I'm learning patience.
Now, I am in no way minimizing the severity of the problem of when you lose a barrette or drop your rabbit. When I was younger.... MUCH younger..... I got in a fight at church. Yep, at church. In my defense, she threw down my dolly! Now it's only fair to tell the whole story. My daddy was a deacon, and her daddy.... well he was the Preacher. So yes, I got in a fight with the Preacher's daughter. Again.... she threw down my dolly. Now when I say fight, I don't mean just the back and forth yelling. I'm talking all-out on the floor in the foyer rolling around, pulling hair, scratching, as mean as a third grader could get. And I had a big brother who loved to pick on me, so yes- I could be mean.

I tell this lovely story about myself for this point- that night I lay in my bed so upset. I couldn't sleep. I had just got in, what I thought was a life ending, fight with my best friend over a dumb doll. In my mind, I truly believed that she would never speak to me again, and I felt so lost. I'm sure this could go without saying, but yes- my parents were horrified of my behavior and there is no doubt in my mind that I was punished somehow. I couldn't tell you what the punishment was. All I remember is that I honestly didn't know if my friend would every speak to me again.

As I was laying there, convinced the world was ending... my parents told me that someone was there to see me. Now it was way past both of our bedtimes, but apparently my best friend was having the same trouble sleeping that I was. The second I saw her, I remember jumping up and running to her to hug her. There was no need for I'm sorry or I didn't mean it. We just hugged, and that was the end of that. The point of the story... NEVER throw down my doll. No seriously, I thought her parents were heroes for bringing her over after bedtime (she was 1 of 4 children) and my parents were heroes for letting me talk to her - even though I was in trouble and it was way past my bedtime.

My goal- to try and make a difference in someone's life each day that will bring a smile like that of seeing my best friend that night. It's little bits and pieces of life like these that make the bad times.... well not so bad. :-)

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