Tuesday, October 27, 2009

As Raindrops Fall

Watching the storms growing up was, and is, one of my favorite things. When I was little, my best friend and I sat on the back porch watching the lightening. Instead of being terrified, it was peaceful. Cuddled up under the blankets with one of the dogs in my lap, everything in the world made sense.

I've always carried this peacefulness with me during storms. Given the large amount of rain lately I've definitely given consideration to whether or not I still feel the same peacefulness, or if I'm just tired of constantly being soaked. I've decided that I will always find peace in storms.

If I can just translate that peace into other areas of my life... things could be so much better. I have no problems standing in the rain watching a storm with the wind raging, but when it comes to take a simple risk in new friendships, dating, etc. it almost feels like I've been paralyzed. Each raindrop is unique, and the likelihood of lighting striking twice in the same place is slim. So why wouldn't this apply in other areas of life?

After leaving my hometown and moving on to new adventures, it seemed like everything would be like raindrops... all unique. For some time, this was the case. I met an incredible guy and found friendships that I will always treasure. It just seemed like the disappointments in myself began to creep up and I learned to just expect disappointment in others. I wish I knew why I perceive things like this. I have been very blessed in my life, and truly have seen more love than will ever know.

So as I watch it rain - whether the sideways rain of storm, big fat rain drops, slight mist that you're unsure if it is rain, or just a summer shower I sometimes close my eyes and go back to the porch cuddled up with a blanket, dog, and my best friend. At that moment in life the rain and storm brought excitement and fun, but also a sense of peacefulness that I recently have lost. This piece of me I will reclaim back. Terrified, busy, or just plain stubbornness won't keep me from making new memories in the rain, or reliving old ones (swinging, playing tag, the perfect kiss, water-balloon fights) So bring on the rain!

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