Monday, June 14, 2010

Adventures & Shenanigans

Okay, I've been home for exactly one week- so here is my blog:

The campaign was amazing. It was unlike any campaign I have been on before. I am accustomed to medical campaigns, or working with the children's home. This was a door-knocking campaign. The group that went was made up of a random group of people, but it all worked out really well. We got to meet so many new people, take the Word to those who needed it, and build relationships in the process.

When I left for the trip I had a walking boot on my left foot. I was in week 4ish of recovery from some torn ligaments, because I fell down some stairs. I was able to ditch the boot & ankle brace about a week and half in. It might have been sooner, but I couldn't resist playing soccer with the children. It was worth it. :) There are a couple of others things that slowed down recovery, but worth it.

When it came time to fly back on Sunday with the group, I had a major decision to make. Stay or go. Looking back, it was a no brainer, but at the time I wasn't sure. In fact, I made it to the airport, bags packed, etc. to board the plane. I didn't. Not getting on that plane was the best decision I have made in months. I wasn't sure where I would stay, or what I would be doing - but I knew that it was the right thing to do.

It was an AMAZING week! I got to hang out with one of my best friends, meet new people, see new places. I met some incredible people. Coming back to the States was really hard for me. It has been hard to explain, and I haven't done well at trying to explain. I guess I'll try here and see what happens: in Brasil, I got to be me- Jeana. I wasn't someone's daughter, an employee, sister, etc. I got to be me. If I was referred to as anything it was American friend. There were no expectations from the people I was with, or met, that I was to be a certain way. I was able to be me, and make decisions based on what I wanted and not what someone else wanted for me. I haven't really been able to be like that in months and months.

Random adventure: I went with Icaro's mom to San Paulo to visit his sister. I wasn't too worried that I speak basically no Portuguese, and his mother speaks very little English. People have a way of communicating when they need to. Plus, if Icaro said I would be safe and have fun I believed him. I was and I did. I got to not only hang out with his sister, but I got to meet some interns from ACU and learn about their work down there. The trip to San Paulo was much too short, but I loved every part of it.

Random outing: some of us went to the movies. Yes, the movie was in English with Portuguese subtitles. I think some of the translation was definitely lost on Icaro and Breno. It made me appreciate the fact that these amazing movies are filmed in my language, and I don't have to worry about things like phrases being lost in translation. Anyway, we went on to go eat etc. and have an amazing night. =)

and then came Goodbye. Icaro, his mom, and Breno all came to the airport with me. I don't mind traveling alone. In fact, I almost prefer it that way. But waiting to go through security and say goodbye was so hard. So hard doesn't really explain it. It was really hard to say by to Icaro's mom. She took me in for a week and treated me like family. She is a truly amazing mother to Icaro and I can understand why he misses her when he's in the US. It's also incredibly difficult to say goodbye to such a sweet guy like Breno, when you haven't got to spend nearly enough time as you'd like with him. Then there's Icaro. He's my best guy friend. Of course it's hard to leave. Especially when they are saying to stay. I made a deal with my father that if I could stay longer, I would be home before they left for Maine. I got back Monday evening, they left Wednesday midmorning.

So now I'm back, but part of my heart is still there. I am still in contact with some of the people i met, and I fully believe I will go back soon. Until then, I will continue to try and be the best I can be at my job. It's not going to come at the expense of my life or any fun though. There has got to be a balance, and my goal is to find that balance this summer.

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