Monday, September 19, 2011

A Little Bit at a Time

Driving for 9 hours straight can definitely give a person time to think. What could have been, should have been, what could be... and sometimes you come to the realization that some things may just never be. So what if it's never meant to be? Is it what you really wanted in the first place, or is it just the idea of it. Somewhere deep in my heart it feels like it's saying just be patient, and it will come.

God's time. That is something I have not been doing so well with lately. I've spent a lot of time in prayer about it. I know that we are to pray for what we want and that our prayers will be answered in God's time. So maybe my heart just needs a xanax and I need to chill out. I keep having to remind myself that if what I am praying for I don't receive simply means that God has a much better plan out there for me. ;)

My prayer is for love. I have been truly heartbroken twice in my life. About 7 years apart, but the pain from the second reminded me a lot of the pain of the first. Fortunately, I had the wisdom that I knew it would eventually get better. It has left me a little gun shy though. I've decided that love just works in mysterious ways. Every time I think that I am done and I could just have been meant to live the single life someone new walks into my life, and I get the courage to try again.

Again, back to the driving... for the record- praying, ALWAYS good, however sometimes it's a good thing to keep your eyes on the road.

So I have been praying for love, a specific love actually, and praying that I remember things happen in God's time, It could be that this prayer is just waiting to blossom into one of the most wonderful loves I could ever experience and either one or the other is not ready. Or there could be an even more amazing love out there for me. It's so easy to type that and ready it objectively, it's another for the heart to feel it. So I guess what I'm getting at is pray that my lil bruised heart will find love and that it will happen in God's time.

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