Tuesday, December 15, 2009

That's My Generation???????

Generations.... at some point in our lifetime we are defined by our generation. I fall on the borderline of generation shifts, but it has been pointed out numerous times that I belong to the millennial generation. I do agree with this to some extent. However, I have thought on multiple occasions that I don't quite fit in completely with my generation. I am beginning to realize that it's not so much the generation itself that I don't fit within, but that I have characteristics from multiple generations. Here a few reasons why I think this:

1. I very much understand where young adults today ask questions or make requests from people, and expect it to be "fixed" or "answered" within 24-36 hours. It's unfortunate that we have been raised to expect everyone to cater to our latest whim. Aside from the obvious conflicting beliefs with previous generations, it is quite the opposite attitude that we are taught to have in our walk with God. Today we are taught that our actions in the moment should/will yield immediate results. However, there are multiple examples in the Bible where we are taught that our efforts of planting the seed aren't necessarily meant to yield a direct result. If we, as individuals, begin talking to someone about God and expect them to immediately agree with us ... we can be sadly mistaken. Sometimes the greatest conversions and stories of bringing someone to Christ are efforts that take weeks, months, years. So where does that leave young adults today who don't grasp this thought.....

2. Relationships with the opposite sex- yes. I am going to step on toes and make the statement that the relationship God has in mind for us is to be between one man and one woman. That isn't the direction this particular point is going though.... today it is perfectly acceptable for a lady to ask a guy out, and be the aggressor in the relationship. My mother raised me with the thought that girls "don't chase boys". So where does that leave me? One confused clumsy girl. :-) While I am not of the mindset that the guy has to pay for everything, and must be overly chivalrous ... I do have an incredibly hard time with the idea of laying it out there on the line for a guy and saying " I like you a lot... and I think we should go out on a date." It is still so far out of my comfort area to even suggest hanging out with a guy. Yes, I was raised, and fully believe, that when the time comes and I do find the guy I'm supposed to marry that I should be the caretaker of the home. The thought of cooking, cleaning, raising children, etc. is appalling to some women, but I think that this is part of what the relationship is about. (No, I don't think we should be mindless Stepford wives)

3. Hard work & loyalty- I do not buy into the idea of finding the quickest way to climb the corporate ladder. It could be that while I love working, and intend on having a career for awhile- I know that one day I will leave that behind for a time to devote the energy and love I need to in taking care of a family. However, beyond that aspect, there seems to be a quick fix for everything. I am not naive enough to truly believe that putting a band-aid on the gash that really should have had stitches will leave you with no scar. I realize this is not a pretty analogy, but it is fitting in my life right now. Literally. On to loyalty .... this is such a precious commodity. I think it's something that a person doesn't realize until that have found the true friend who will stand by you and give support even when you are making a mistake and you both know it. The loyal friend will tell you that it's a mistake and advise otherwise, but will stand by and be there for you so that when the time comes instead of throwing out "I told you so" they can be there to support you and help you in the mourning and growth that follows.

So where does this leave me? Right now I am not sure. It has led to a lot of frustrations at work... mainly because the millennial side of me sees the problem and solution and doesn't understand why it just can't be fixed automatically. It leaves me wondering how to talk to the guy and say yes I would like to date you. If I wasn't so terrified and trained that ladies aren't the first ones to make the move, I think the millennial part of me would have had no problem with this. It should be simple: guy likes girl... girl likes guy- the end. Hardly.

At some point I will learn to make peace with all of the conflicting thoughts. Mainly the peace will come, not from choosing to identify myself one particular generation- but to define myself using a book that with standards that have spanned not just a generation or 2, but thousands of years.

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