Saturday, March 26, 2011

And So I SaId It

Earlier this week, I did something that was incredibly difficult for me. By nature it takes a lot for me to open up about the way I feel, and even more so to put it writing. So what bright idea did I get? Well, let's take my erratic thoughts, put them on paper, and send them to someone whom I have barely been talking to.

I feel like that would be enough to scare anyone off. So WHY ON EARTH WOULD I DO SUCH A THING?! I guess because the older I have become the more I realize that honesty is the best policy. I would rather tell the truth and it scare someone or make them realize that it's just not meant to be. I know that honesty is a scary scary thing. I learned that lesson tonight with some new information I received. But again, I think one of the best things about being honest, is when honesty is received openly and there is a chance to face it together.

I know that no matter what happens in the next month, my family will be close by. I don't really know much beyond that, but I do know that I am loved, and that I have a great support system with my family. My only hope is that one day I can be the same support system for someone else. I have always been loyal and found those who are disloyal to not be worthy of such a relationship with me.

But what is worst of all.... silence. Silence leaves so many unanswered questions.

Monday, March 21, 2011

What IF

Everywhere I have been, every decision I've made has a little part in making me who I am today. So, while I've wondered "what if" from time to time, it's never been in a regretful way. I have often wondered how certain things would have gone if they had played out differently.

But this "what if" is mainly about what could be. What if I had the courage to make the changes that are running through my mind. And, I guess, when does it go from being a passing moment of home-sickness that will pass to a true desire for something more? I can't say that I've ever been a real big risk-taker. So for me to consider leaving something that is already great and I'm surrounded by people that I love to the unknown...well - it's terrifying to think it could be a disaster.

So, what if I had the courage to say I wish I could do something different. Or, I wish I could prove that I'm not like everyone else and that there is something different about me. Something loyal and good - just give me a chance. This past break has been an amazing one, but it's given me the time to actually think about what I want. What used to be so clearly defined in my mind of how things were going to be has just been turned upside down.