Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Every Mile a Memory

3 Random Stories and maybe a connection

1. Story One
If one is, let's just say 3 and half years younger than her brother, it would take quite a bit of running to always catch up in time to go play. Growing up I was allowed to play with Tommy and his friends on occasion. Most of the time we were on our way to the creek, and playing in the pasture to get there. One day I remember in particular. It was usually just my brother, me, and his best friend. On that day though, our neighbor came along as well. As odd as this sounds, I somehow ended up in the pasture with my feet covered in thorns/spurs. (It doesn't sound odd to find me somewhere without shoes....but we were a good half mile or so from the house) Anyway, it was quite painful, and I remember Tommy getting the neighbor to let me ride on his back the whole way home so that Tommy could help pick them out of my feet. I don't remember crying, or it being really that painful. I'm not entirely sure how I lost my shoes ( must have been a foreshadowing of my life these days), why Tommy didn't bring me back, but was there with me. Anyway, the walk from through the pasture was a long one. Me, being stubborn, would ever so often say "I can walk" and the friend, being a good friend, would let me down to try and pick me up when it hurt. That trip back to the house was one of the longest walks I remember. I was completely dependent on someone else to get back. That takes a lot of trust from me, but Tommy said it was okay and so I went.

2. Story Two
It was one of the coldest, dreariest, and without a doubt lonely walks I've ever had to make. In early spring, it is not unusual to find rainy days where it would be nice to curl up in bed and sleep it away. In this story you'll find yourself reading about a young lady who is at a grave site. She was there by the request of the individual who had just broke her heart and turned her world upside down. However, tragedy trumps broken heart every time, and so there I was. It was after the graveside service, and people were just paying respects, crying, etc. It was a family I had grown to know and love for three years, and so I to felt sorrow with them. Anyway, it was time for me to quietly, and with what little dignity I felt like I still had, make my way to the car and slip away. Of course I said goodbye... which literally was something like this : "I'm so sorry for your loss" "thanks" "I have to get back now" "ok" 'Bye" "bye" Not exactly one of the most memorable conversations. In fact, there is a good chance I just butchered that part. The part I remember is walking in the wet cemetery, completely alone, just hoping/wishing to hear something like, "stop" or "wait just a second" and then would come the part where he ran after me, we hugged ... and lived happily ever after. Well, that didn't come- but he is happily married to a beautiful young lady, and I am happy where I am. But the long, cold, walk that day still lives in my mind.

3. Story three
Bumps, ditches, potholes, all of these we tried to avoid while driving down the road. I was one of 7 or 8 sitting in the back of the pickup while we made our way to the nearest baptistry. My friend and I were chosen from the group to go be present at a very private baptism. It took us 45 minutes one way to get there, and as much as we aimed to avoid those bumps and potholes they just kept jumping out in front of us. However, 45 minutes later, legs numb from sitting, hands sore from holding on, I was able to witness one of life's most precious moments. When you are able to watch someone be baptized, it brings up all kinds of emotions. Love, compassion, joy, and of course memories of our own experiences. It truly is a special moment and it was a precious gift that the 2 outsiders were allowed to be present.

Tonight in class at church I heard an amazing lesson. It was on making the decisions in life that will basically define us, both now and twenty years from now. it started me thinking on different paths I've taken so far in life, and the choices I have made. There have been some defining decisions, but only one or two that would be of the caliber that would change my life significantly. I'm not sure how often these choices come but I do think in the past 2 weeks I was able to make one. I went back to visit my beloved Oklahoma that I truly miss these days. I found myself in a situation very similar to times before. It's one of those times that when you're with someone, and you might not be even the least bit attracted (although I was) you are there because it is how you would have behaved in previous years mainly for 2 reasons: night of fun or to get your mind of someone else. I was hoping for the latter. Although I had a perfectly good time, I would say that we both it wasn't the same.

I say that to say this. There was a part of me that just wanted to eat, see a movie, catch up on old times, and have an enjoyable night with a good friend. There was never any definite promise of something more, or not something more? Anyway, I chose to not even explore the possibility because where I am now, is worlds away. And when my ultimate goal is to be across the world from where I am doing God's work, that seemed like an obstacle. And in all reality, I just needed to get someone out of my mind, and remember that there is a world full of people. The lesson I learned: I have made some little choices in the last 3 years that have led me to react completely different in situations. I am by no means close enough to my relationship with God, but while I am patiently waiting for His will for me, I plan on learning everything I can about Him, and His Son Jesus. There have got to be 100 different ways every day I could influence someone. Am I making the right choices? My current choice is this: I choose to help those that I can, but I am not going to put my personal life on hold. When I get around to having the time for one, I plan balancing it with my other goals. I do truly believe this is part of God's will in my life.

My stories all surrounded me around people. People includes emotions like love, loss, and confusion. I know there will be plenty of stories about miles I've traveled, but I am confident that I will be making them walking in the direction my Lord wants me to.

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