Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Less than Worthless-

Knowledge has been somewhat of a friend of mine over the years. When I was a small child the knowledge usually involved rules that my brother had broken or secrets and things like that. As I grew older, it became my own secrets and then ultimately matured into just random facts. I have always love to learn. If I am not challenged to think critically, or outside the box, then I usually put my cleverness up to things of mischief. This has resulted in me acquiring knowledge over the years that literally is less than worthless in the long run. While I can explain what the Siren's song is, or the origin of a word... none of it will help me when I breathe my last breath. What I would love to accomplish in life is not to acquire useless knowledge that, while it can be amusing at time, really is no legacy to leave behind. I come from an incredibly smart family. My father and mother both were educated and have taught me incredibly important life lessons. Daddy- well, he taught me how to think logically and critically.... and that no matter how many blonde moments I have, there's still hope. My mother taught me my favorite recipes, what is not acceptable to wear in public, how to act "ladylike" and how important it is to pray and thank God for my opportunities instead of whine about life. Then there's my big brother. Wow. There aren't words enough to explain what he has taught me over the years. Top three lessons: unconditional loyalty, important of creativity, and how to throw a mean right hook. When someone is asked to describe me one day I hope that they will be able to say that I passed along the wisdom of my family, friends, and most importantly the Bible. It doesn't matter if I know the lyrics to a song, or what's in fashion (not that I'd know either of those) but the origin of certain words, what is true in the law...but when asked to describe me they will say that I was able to pass along the Truth and what it means to be loved. There's a storm coming, and I can feel it. It comes in the form of a challenge to which I can only hope that I am up to the task. I have the complete support of friends and family, and the faith that with God it's possible. So why do I feel so unsure about it.... I guess because at the end of the day it's still a change- and that is always a little apprehensive. Now, if I can just manage to be prepared for the storm, find the courage to say hello to that guy I've thought about, inspire incredibleness in others, follow the Truth of God's Word, and make it to work on time... I'll say the beginnings of a list might actually be checked off. Actually, they will just result in a longer to do list. Good think I love lists! Some useless wisdom to leave the reader with: I love orange skittles the most! And remember this: Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it. –Kierkegaard